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re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

there is one other fan in zelda who did participate but they’re, like, popular so no i didn’t read any of their works

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re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

although NOW i am also secretly going “ah, another fanfiction by a racist or racist sympathizer” before starting each one because exactly 0% of them participated in the antiracist action this past month as far as i could tell

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re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

what is up new followers i am reading and rating every single fanfic where zelda gives link a blowjob

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end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

which means i am no longer obligated to avoid fanfic without any mention of it in the title

which means that the zelda blowjob saga will commence again shortly; prepare yourselves

queer suicide 

(a headline in the New York Times saying “No One Knows How Many L.G.B.T.Q. Americans Die by Suicide”, followed by the first three pages of “Queer and Now” by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, first published in 1993, where she specifically addresses the number of queer people who die by suicide as well as persistent congressional pressure to keep the number from being known, stretching back to a report from the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1989.)

“What Could I Sell” | Lande Hekt 🎶 

» I’ll meet you in Copenhagen—you know I fucking hate to fly. Look how much time it’s taken; I think I’m going to die.

» What could I sell to come and see you? Who could I tell, other than you, that I don’t feel like this often? I don’t feel like this often.

» I know that I don’t—I know I don’t really know you. I know that I might—I know that I might not get to.

kind of girl 

whose favourite heart emoji is ❦


right now i am cacheing objects as WeakRefs inside an object structure and using a FinalizationRegistry to delete the refs once they are no longer needed as a way of ensuring that the same object is returned every time from the same inputs

but like… it could just be a record and then i wouldn’t need to bother

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this code will be so much better once we have records and tuples

covid discourse 

covid was not supposed to make you less radical

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covid discourse 

absolutely wild the number of hardline “everyone is suffering from mental illness due to rampant abuses of capitalism” folks who in the past 3 years have abruptly pivoted to “everyone is suffering from mental illness because it is a side-effect of catching covid one time”

ecmascript think 

you can always access superclass private fields inside of subclasses if you simply define the subclass within the lexical scope of the superclass :blobmeow_wisethinking:

baneful fox pokémon 

but it’s a *NIX nerd

my code 

that’s right kids i used partial application on a class constructor

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my code 

uses too many functional techniques for the object‐oriented types and too many object‐oriented techniques for the functional types

which is how you know it’s Javascript


great word; completely unpronouncable in many languages

wild and interesting facts 

you can just get dogs wet

re: EndOTWRacism 

they haven't done anything but that's what i mean

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re: EndOTWRacism 

i knew that zelda fans were racist but i was kinda hoping they wouldn't be THIS racist

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.