end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

which means i am no longer obligated to avoid fanfic without any mention of it in the title

which means that the zelda blowjob saga will commence again shortly; prepare yourselves

re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

what is up new followers i am reading and rating every single fanfic where zelda gives link a blowjob

re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

although NOW i am also secretly going “ah, another fanfiction by a racist or racist sympathizer” before starting each one because exactly 0% of them participated in the antiracist action this past month as far as i could tell


re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

there is one other fan in zelda who did participate but they’re, like, popular so no i didn’t read any of their works

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re: end otw racism: the action is officially concluded 

i was going to and then i saw the kudos and comment counts and noped the fuck out because if zelda fandom likes something that much i can guarantee it is not worth my time

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