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re: court opinion re: death threats re: Github Copilot legislation 

can’t get over « GitHub and Microsoft do not explain why the rise of internet trolls renders Plaintiffs' fears of harm unreasonable. » lmao

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court opinion re: death threats re: Github Copilot legislation 

GitHub and Microsoft suggest that Plaintiffs' fear is unreasonable because "the types of nasty messages at issue here are a fact of modern life in the era of internet 'trolls.'" ECF No. 72 at 19. GitHub and Microsoft do not explain why the rise of internet trolls renders Plaintiffs' fears of harm unreasonable. Cf. United States v. Bagdasarian, 652 F.3d 1113, 1126-27 (9th Cir. 2011) (Wardlaw, J., concurring in part) (describing the connection between anonymous internet posts and subsequent real-world violence). Sending direct messages containing veiled death threats would seem to constitute behavior beyond trolling. See Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 1341 (11th ed. 2003) (defining "troll," in relevant part, as "to antagonize (others) online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or content" and "to harass, criticize, or antagonize (someone) especially] by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, postings, or acts") (emphasis added).

Ao3 meta 

meta posts by actual fan human beings, on the other hand, are too ephemeral

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Ao3 meta 

apparently computer algorithms now count as fans and their creative output is important to preserve

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

zelda is making fun of link for kissing a boy and i think this is homophobia??

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

« Link scooted forward in his seat, still snickering as he looked at her with curious amusement. “So [the Goron] was a boy? How can you tell?” » BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL BOYS, LINK

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

this is strong alcohol being served in tiny glasses so per serving it is definitely cheaper

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

in breath of the wild a bottle of fresh milk is 12 rupees so this bottle of alcohol is 10 milks in price

not gallons, to be clear. 10 single-serving bottles of milk

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

« “Hundred and twenty rupees.” » cute but you know this is like a dollar right

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

oh no it turns out the working class is evil after all

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

« Oh, if the court could see her now… such casual fraternization with the working class. Ha! »

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

this sequence of zelda sneaking around is nice but it would be nicer if she was dressed up like a sheikah boy

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

if you're going to have zelda dress up as a commoner why not have it be a boy commoner named sheik

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

interesting choice to have zelda choose to go out in a dress when we have canon clearly indicating she prefers pants

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

« His voice had risen several octaves » i think they mean decibels

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

well the REST of their writing is still pretty rough i think

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (21) 

this is the revised version of (8), which i didn't read because i knew this was coming

hopefully the blowjob isn't terrible; that would be embarrassing

today’s late-night conversation topic 

“but @Satsuma, organizing is the Problem Of Our Time!!”


Gifted usually just raps bravado but it’s always nice when he goes “fuck this whack shit” lmao

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i think Gifted Youngstaz might actually have the better verse on “Affirmative”

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