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differs from “how much freedom” in that one may have high freedom to choose between a small set of choices, but that would be low valence

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used like “how much valence”, “more/less valence”, “increase/decrease the valence”

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is “valence” as a word meaning “quantity of options which one may freely choose between” not a common usage?!


2B1B FE0E ; text style; # (5.1) BLACK LARGE SQUARE
2B1B FE0F ; emoji style; # (5.1) BLACK LARGE SQUARE

mastodon is fucking up okay cool

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is mastodon fucking up or is apple fucking up here

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the correct kind of leftist is simply the kind of leftist which is correct

maybe i should learn how japanese keyboards work, and also buy a japanese keyboard

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my keyboard needs like two more keys but i don't think that's supported by my operating system

i just want to type unicode characters 😩 in programs 😭

i do not agree with these tech takes, nor any tech takes which view technology as a concept to be explored and not an engineered set of tools for humans to use to complete tasks

who are these alyauntes who ask how you are doing but reject honest answers

thinking of rolling an &WERTY keyboard layout

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.