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@aescling oh slight revision, apparently 80×15 is the standard size

@aescling those are 88x31s; 88x15s are the narrow versions

your phone may be waterproof, but hot tea is still bad for the battery

do not dunk

extension to mastodon which lets you include 88x15 buttons in your profile

most instances on the fediverse are racist but with a responsible moderation team you can get better

« Zelda HATES not knowing everything.
And if there's one thing she knows nothing about, it's human reproduction. » well this sounds like a recipe for disaster

anybody want to write a bunch of gay encyclopedia entries about programming topics for me

@witchfynder_finder actually the more wrong choices the moral center of your show makes the better of a show it is

did they just play brambles as a backing track on national public radio

« Someone there revealed that to deal with such spirits, if one could learn the ghost's family name and then beg the family for some of the ghost's former undergarments, the clothing could be boiled and the result could be drunk as an antidote. » buddy,

pokémon t·c·g IS really cool these days but sword and shield alone is currently on its 10th expansion, not counting special expansions like shining fates, celebrations, and pokémon go

also pokémon t·c·g is not a “cult classic” it is literally just a popular trading card game

also why is this being repped by POLYGON

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.