@wallhackio @aescling we already figured out she didn’t have friends in high school
@akjcv you know at least two people who work for libraries
@akjcv i tried learning icelandic from a book in college but didn’t get very far
@coriander @wallhackio @aescling (-.̼-)
@coriander only a capitalist would turn their backs !
@wallhackio fandom probably?
@coriander why have fun when you could religiously dedicate yourself to learning fictional information about an intellectual property
more money:
• can make games faster and cheaper
• can sell games to people who can’t afford $70/game and thus reach a wider audience
• GBA games are better and so should sell better
• GBA games are better and so will drive merchandising opportunities more than switch games
• lower development barriers = more exclusive third-party titles, driving sales
less money:
• GBA games are worse for performative gaming (streaming) and so have less cultural cachet
• the price of games is so disconnected from the costs of producing them that anything you can do to make charging $70 justified is worth it
• can't cash in on ports of iOS games
• most gamers only buy prestige games meaning they won’t consider anything cheap or technically simple
@akjcv and in this market $450 over three years is a lot better option than $300 for one
@akjcv i feel like if you can earn $300k for one year you can probably earn $150k every year for the rest of your life somewhere a lot better
@akjcv well that doesn't sound like a pension
@akjcv i don't know what this email subject line means so this wouldn't work on me
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.