
If God is so good then why haven't they made a God 2?

@wallhackio isn't jesus god 3 you forgot about the holy ghost

@wallhackio @Lady do evangelicals care enough about the holy ghost to get a say here

@Satsuma @wallhackio @Lady pentecostals at least care a lottt about the holy ghost. it's the bit that does the whole pentecost thing

@wallhackio @Lady @alyssa fair but i still think if you are non trinitarian you dont get a say in who came first (the trinitarian pentecostals can stay tho i guess)

@Satsuma @Lady @alyssa @aescling and I were raised in a Pentecostal tradition and you can trust us when we say that the holy ghost is a Big Deal

@Satsuma @wallhackio @alyssa i would think being nontrinitarian would make it easier to put them in sequence? but if you don’t believe God = Holy Ghost = Christ are you even Christian?

@Lady @Satsuma @wallhackio the nontrinitarian pentecostals do think that God = Holy Ghost = Jesus Christ. they just don't do the "3 persons" thing.

@alyssa @wallhackio oops sorry @Satsuma the Nicene Creed states

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

so Jesus is God 2 and the Holy Spirit is God 3 it seems; we are losers and frauds

@Lady @alyssa @Satsuma apparently biblical scholars are split on whether the holy ghost even exists

@wallhackio @alyssa @Satsuma i think if a biblical scholar does not acknowledge the Nicene Creed they are not much of a biblical scholar

@Lady @alyssa @Satsuma it's not to say that they don't acknowledge the Nicene Creed but that many modern scholarly opinions of the authorial intent of the gospel does align with a creed written hundreds of years after the gospel was written

@Lady @wallhackio @alyssa can’t believe i’m getting messed by filioque of all things i’m siding with the byzantines here

@Satsuma @wallhackio @alyssa you don’t have to accept filioque to get the ordering so long as you accept that the Holy Spirit proceeded THRU the Son if not FROM him, but some Eastern radicals seem to think that the Holy Spirit and the Son happened at the same time (well, the Son is eternal, so it would have to be the same before-time)

@alyssa @Lady @wallhackio my understanding is that the original niacine creed contained no reference to the son in that line and that the thru argument was a compromise which made everyone unhappy

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