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re: ecmascript think 

@Lady Did not realize the proposal for private fields finally passed! Very cool


Freya is licking her lips while sleeping! She must be having a wonderful dream.

Words are funny sometimes 

"Fruit wine can be made from oranges. This should not be confused with orange wine, also known as amber wine, which is made from grapes..."

-From the Wikipedia article for fruit wine

Eventually I did peel off the breading and let her enjoy the chicken, btw

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I once bought a spicy chicken sandwich, and Freya started harassing me for it just how you would expect a cat to do.

So I tore off a small piece of the chicken and let her look at it and then she was absolutely mystified. It was breaded and spiced, so not edible for cats, but it smelt like chicken? How could this be???? What is this???????????

She stared at it, pawing at it and trying to eat it for like, 10 or 15 minutes.

You guys have no idea how exciting it is for me to finally have someone in my life who cares about leetcode problems

If I try to attach an image to a poll, I get an error 422

I desperately wanted to be a Python hater. But the more I use it, the more I think it's an excellent language that is Cool and Good.

Breath of the Wild 2, minor spoilers 

You will never, in a million years, guess the path I took to get to the temple of time at the very beginning

re: sheik/zelda 

@Lady This made me feel old. I wish I could downvote this.

Better Call Saul is amazing, except they just killed a character I really liked so nvm it sucks, actually

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.