@Lady @aescling I wrote a simple node script the other day that parsed an HTML page full of tabulated data to covert the data into useful JSON form (I'll give you one guess for what purpose this was for). I suppose I could use an XML parser if I really wanted to but I don't see any need to rewrite my script given that all works just fine in node.
@aescling that was a desired outcome tbh
@aescling it moreso reflects how excellent popular music was this year
@Lady is there something like JSDOM for deno
when he won the grammy for record of the year and they play the song as he walks on stage, the entire audience shouted along to "a minoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor" lmao
Movie/animation/anime fan. Videogame enjoyer. Food liker. Physics and mathematics hobbyist. Software Engineer. Professional wonk. I would not be surprised if I had autism + adhd. I like animals that wear cowboy hats.
"i regret ever allowing him here" ~aescling