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Ghost Trick gets my full recommendation to everyone on earth, since 1) it is very good, and 2) it is available for $20 for nearly every imaginable platform and 3) there is a free demo for it on all of these platforms

Please give me a linear action game with Samus by the same development team she was so cool in Dread

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my Hot Take of the Day is that Metroid Dread was a decent action game needlessly trapped in the conventions of a metroidvania

the airport
the airport

Which is better?

Who would win in a fight?

There is a gap between me and the person sitting next to me. It is the only unoccupied seat on the entire plane

This is the greatest day of my life

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Why is the chick fil a open

Why am I in line at the chick fil a at 7am

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Why are there so many other people at the airport on a Friday at 6am

Who are you people

Kendrick performed Not Like Us four times in a row 😭😭😭

Which is better?

@aescling might be the smartest person I know, but for some reason I always lose brain cells when I talk to her

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.