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@aescling I can imagine Bill Watterson making Calvin say something like this when Hobbes is looking out the window




I was accused of hacking while playing an online multiplayer game for the first time. I am so honored!

Call of Duty Zombies is one of the most interesting AAA products ever released and we will probably never see anything like it ever again.

How many options can a poll have?

re: conlanging problems 

@alyssa I would love to tell you to do something weirder but I have no idea what this post is about so I won't

Who is sleepier?


maybe it's time to become a zenyatta fan account now

But, as someone who was interested in the first game but was too busy getting a physics degree to play it as much as I wanted, simply having a game that feels like what I played in 2016 feels great.

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It helps that I did not play a lot of Overwatch 1 and was not present during the disastrous release of the sequel, which is an iteration of the original game instead of a "true" sequel.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.