
baldur's gate 3 

i think a lot about the cutscenes in this game and how uncanny the procedural animations look. it's something you just have to get over quickly if you're going to invest in the narrative.

which is a shame because the technology here is impressive and clearly took enormous work to make functional (any character you can make in the character creator works in any cutscene with any armor or clothing! there are cutscenes where the characters models flex their eye muscles to get smiling eyes!!!!)

i wonder if it was really worth it though. it's hard not to compare bg3 to disco elysium (which is more or less this generation's planescape torment). disco elysium sticks to the isometric perspective completely and doesn't really have cutscenes. and it's not distracting, there is much less uncanniness, and it will age spectacularly.

i can't help but feel that it would have been a better use of resources if most dialogue occurred in dialogue trees (keep the voice acting though!!!!!) and then particularly important moments have hand-animated cutscenes

baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio A lot of those cutscenes were mocapped actually

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio It's like a big thing that every VA also mocapped their characters, yeah

re: baldur's gate 3 

@coriander fuck i hate being wrong

re: baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio I THINK, tho I don't know for sure, that it's even true of incidental NPCs

Definitely true for main characters tho

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@coriander i think my criticism mostly stands

after convincing astarion not to ascend you have a dialogue with him the next long rest where he remarks that he feels that ascending would have cost him his humanity and that he felt your influence saved him from himself

right after he says this the camera cuts to your character making this weird-ass uncanny smile and i bust out laughing and unintentional comedy was not the appropriate vibe for that dialogue

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@wallhackio Yeah sometimes the PC does some other shit that I don't fully understand

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@wallhackio Also congrats on making the only moral choice in that quest and also the most thematically resonant one

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@coriander i am very curious what choice you made with shadowheart's story, assuming she did not kill the nightsong in your run

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@wallhackio Fuck it's been so long

She didn't kill the Nightsong and I was SO PROUD OF HER because at the end I fully stepped back and told her it was her choice

At the end I'm pretty sure she let her parents go like they asked

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@coriander i also let her choose regarding dame alyin and was pleased that she did not kill her

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@coriander i was quite surprised when i gave let her choose regarding her parents that she chose to let them go

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@wallhackio It's so so so good at making you feel like you made a real impact on these characters rather than choosing for them

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

@wallhackio @coriander i scrolled up to no-spoiler parts of this thread and then very briefly furgot to check which posts here were CWed spoilers lol and quickly flipped one back closed

re: baldur's gate 3, major spoilers aescling if you read this i will report you 

re: baldur's gate 3 

@coriander @wallhackio he was purrobably mistakenly remembering the witcher 3, which very famously did procgen cutscenes (as a starting point (they still adjusted the results by hand later))

baldur's gate 3 

@wallhackio fuck baldurs gate 3 for not looking like this

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