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estoy comiendo medialunas y empanadas (veganas, por supuesto) antes de pasar una semana y media en los EEUU.

@Lady whoa i forgot houndour is a kanto-only mon from gen 2.

one time my mother-in-law used the comparison "Buenos Aires is the West of Argentina" to clarify that the rest of the country dislikes it.

people sure do like to try to blackmail murderers in columbo

solaris is kind of an underwhelming film

girl-like-substance’s writing really makes one wish you had stories you needed to tell.

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@wallhackio you put stuff in em and they are ostensibly governed by rules that nobody bothers to enforce

alyssa boosted

i was forgetting to look at the chapter titles but now that i am, they really look like alternate-universe mountain goats song titles

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i recommended it last night and she's already finished it

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recommended ghost town to my wife after she finished the fic she was reading and now i'm rereading ghost town
(she is also reading ghost town but not re-reading it for obvious reasons)

oh hey vincent price is in this columbo episode


mawile is such a cutie


due to backer rewards having been delivered for the far roofs i now have jenna moran's poetry game about farmland financialization. hype

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.