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trying to figure out which pokémon characters in my fanfic will be using like 

@Lady i don't really understand but i see bug so yayyyy

more shiny math 

@wallhackio @aescling sorry, *not the same as your average number of attempts before seeing a shiny

more shiny math 

@wallhackio kind of yes, kind of no.

yes the average (expected value) number of shinies after x attempts is, but that's not the same as your number

your chances of actually seeing at least one after x attempts is either approximately 1/e or 1 - 1/e (i can't remember whether @aescling and i's calculations from april were for chance of not seeing a shiny or chance of seeing at least one shiny)

(1/e is the limit as x goes to infinity of.... whichever probability we were looking at, with the value for a given x monotonically decreasing as x increases)

oh huh i didn't know walruses were dogs

i would like to request gay movie recs

re: How to convince this instance to play Dark Souls 

@wallhackio idk really either. i've never played any of them even as far as the first boss myself. i think Gwyndolin or something like that.

How to convince this instance to play Dark Souls 

@wallhackio not gonna go for the trans boss?


(i'm even playing ChuuboShokyou!)

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ttrpgposting, shouting 


i did the ludum dare game jam this past weekend and here is the game I made about a raccoon stowing away in a package delivery truck:

ttrpg posting 

highlights from today's session:

  • Saul (court wizard PC) fails so badly to capture Cador (ratkin PC) that he ends up with the maximum possible level of harm (to be fair he was already hurt from previous conflicts) and is spending all his time brooding in his tower about the insult to his pride
  • Sidonie (trade envoy PC) convinces Cador not to kill her rival for possibly months until she gets her final payment for intentionally losing the competition to make a deal with the lord they're here to trade with, so he is instead angrily assassinating the rival's secretary


@Lady i think the latter might actually be correct in MSA


@Lady i'm curious which word(s) prompted the dispute

someday i will actually put together a half decent 2d collision detection system and then re-use it every game instead of kludging together something horrifying every time

ttrpg misadventures, tragic 

in today's session we accidentally did 338.4 damage to an angel and instantly killed it


aperiodic reminder that alolan muk is adorable

i made a breakout game (with no paddle) where you're a ghost (or something)

ttrpg posting, torture, betrayal, schemes 

next session is going to be explosive

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ttrpg posting, torture, betrayal, schemes 

highlights from today’s The Shadow of Yesterday session:

  • Cador the ratkin (PC) has been spying on the trade envoy of a foreign merchant house to prepare to murder her (and is very well prepared now)
  • the court wizard, Saul (PC), trapped another ratkin hiding in the castle and magically tortured her into giving up that there’s another ratkin (Cador) and to help him capture them in exchange for letting her and her friend leave the castle and never come back
  • Sidonie (PC), trade envoy of a different merchant house conspired with Cador for the killing her rival plan. but she also made a deal to intentionally lose the trade negotiations with their host to the rival house in exchange for personal kickbacks.
  • Sidonie has also made arrangements to make a fake copy of a grimoire recently obtained by Saul that she will swap for the real thing in order to steal it.
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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.