trying to figure out which pokémon characters in my fanfic will be using like
@Lady i don't really understand but i see bug so yayyyy
more shiny math
@wallhackio @aescling sorry, *not the same as your average number of attempts before seeing a shiny
more shiny math
@wallhackio kind of yes, kind of no.
yes the average (expected value) number of shinies after x attempts is, but that's not the same as your number
your chances of actually seeing at least one after x attempts is either approximately 1/e or 1 - 1/e (i can't remember whether @aescling and i's calculations from april were for chance of not seeing a shiny or chance of seeing at least one shiny)
(1/e is the limit as x goes to infinity of.... whichever probability we were looking at, with the value for a given x monotonically decreasing as x increases)
re: How to convince this instance to play Dark Souls
@wallhackio idk really either. i've never played any of them even as far as the first boss myself. i think Gwyndolin or something like that.
How to convince this instance to play Dark Souls
@wallhackio not gonna go for the trans boss?
@pan nice!
i did the ludum dare game jam this past weekend and here is the game I made about a raccoon stowing away in a package delivery truck:
ttrpg posting
highlights from today's session:
@Lady i think the latter might actually be correct in MSA
@Lady i'm curious which word(s) prompted the dispute
i made a breakout game (with no paddle) where you're a ghost (or something)
ttrpg posting, torture, betrayal, schemes
highlights from today’s The Shadow of Yesterday session: