ttrpg stuff, about me
a friend asked what stuff in rpg systems i tend to geek out the most about, and after some difficulty i ended up arriving at: i am into chargen and advancement mechanics that draw players into the setting and/or situation and then provide a medium through which to express themselves (bonus points for expressing what they care about or what they think)
@wallhackio re previous good word request: consider "tetchy".
@Lady huh
@Lady slightly curious as to what has you reading up on richard bartle
re: actual spoiler bit of popular movie reaction
@wallhackio oh i wasn't even complaining about that whole bit (which, not really a strong scene but less remarkable imo), more just the like drawn out slow-motion once Helen starts to move toward the Mona Lisa security override after the place is already burning
oh no because i find python kinda viscerally aesthetically displeasing (woops initially wrote this as literally the opposite)
actual spoiler bit of popular movie reaction
the mona lisa burning scene was really tedious tho. like the event itself and the aftermath scene are good payoffs for all the prior setup, but dragging out Helen getting there like that was just annoying. also why didn’t we hear the shield activating for like five minutes beforehand anyway. apparently it was still functioning but like, just not making any noise despite being significantly loud earlier in the film?
@Lady i usually have the problem that by the time i get to a point of being able to tell anybody my memory of the dream has decohered to the point that all i can say is “you were in it” and maybe the vibe of one segment of the dream (but usually the vibe shifts a lot so that’s just be misleading)
@Satsuma i don't understand why you would care about 17 when 7 already divides it
@wallhackio i like “fremd” (which i learned thru @Lady’s influence). whither/hither/thither and whence/hence/thence are kinna basic but, properly used, they are underrated i think