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think i'm gonna train a battle frontier team (since i will need a BP item to evolve a weavile in the following phase).

thinking i'll do tyranitar, skarmory, and breloom

what're y'all's fav (3)ds / gba games?


is Muk (non-Alolan if it matters) so stinky?

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my wife doesn't believe the pokédex when it says about muk "It's so stinky!"

@aescling @wallhackio i tried to make an inverted joke but sadly rætt inflected like stān in OE (i.e. with rættas for nominative plural)


i think i might have rolled above a 10 on the die for initiative once this entire campaign (9 sessions, probably about 2 fights per session) maybe not even that once.

;; i have expert perception not that that's doing me any good

this book should really pick a single decimal separator and a single thousands separator that are different from each other.
come on... at least don't mix conventions in a single sentence or line!


now champion.
the next phase will require 100 days of waiting

@aschmitz i knew this at one point despite never using either. but i relearned it because i found out about the unbuffer command from a julia evans blogpost and it is in the expect package so i went and looked up what the package was before deciding to install it.

thank you tcl (/expect) for the unbuffer command (among probably other effects, it makes it so that a program thinks it's talking to a TTY)

separately i should actually get around to playing thru HWBM

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which heaven will be mine ship-self should i use as a token in this lancer ~one-shot


pryce defeated! now to go catch and evolve one (1) pokémon before i go fight chuck and jasmine


today i got my fourth shiny in this run (not counting gyarados) and my first non-mareep-family shiny.

my wife on the other hand observes that they seem to have left the placeholder in the script.

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Vermithrax Pejorative “has the best dragon name” — George R.R. Martin

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.