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@Lady pain and sadness. but as a lions fan, i have been well-prepared to cope for this

@Lady saying the interpurretation is “literal” is being generous

@Satsuma @Lady only because whenever YMS releases his part two on the remake it will make me curious again about what i think of the original given that he loves it so much

@Lady i rather like most of what happens until simba becomes an adult, when suddenly it starts falling apart

@Lady i did care fur robin hood lol but i never really loved it either

re: USPol very generally 

@CyrikCroc i wish i had the WSJ article on this from the time but it was stated very openly

re: USPol very generally 

@CyrikCroc billionaires didn’t like the chaos, actually. they openly funded democrats in the midterms to stop trump from being able to wreck shit arbitrarily, even as they broadly liked his economic pawlicy

re: appurropurriating fascist language re: im sorry, re: nothing 

appurropurriating fascist language re: im sorry, re: nothing 

@compufox be the degenerate sluts they say we are (if you want)

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