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this is your irregular reminder that official GlitchCat pawlicy is non-static by definition, and worth checking in on fur those it concerns

us pol 

remember how biden was also a rapist and how everyone just furgot about that

in related things, I have a GoFundMe ongoing for paying for such expenses

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the day stages of sonic unleashed wii were great and it’s a shame sonic team never went back to it

Anyone who says Clodsire is a whale turn on ur location I just wanna talk

where were you during the great GlitchCat whale war of 2024

re: Discussing What is Communist Anarchism? by Alexander Berkman 

@packetcat the only info i have on kronstadt is from a self described bolshevik on youtube, so factor this obvious biss in mind, but is not at all clear cut when it comes to the failures of the bolsheviks because it was literally organized by a man who had tried to join the white army, who was himself in communication with an actual former member of it, who was very smugly proud of the number of useful idiots he had doing counter-revolutionary work for him in that rebellion

@coriander @wallhackio he has an ever-growing list of repurrts against him, this might be fur the better

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.