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if you have any money, chip in to black and indigenous folks' mutual aid funds today. pay your reparations now. if there's anything to be grateful for in this colonizer shithole it's because of them.

here's a list of fundraising requests im aware of:

sorry to my friends in the area but fur today the correct opinion is FUCK chicago. cat bros.

so anyway, if you celebrate today, understand that they lied to you about your own culture, and celebrate by getting together and eating good food and watching football, and fuck the racists and the colonizers

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wikipedia claims that thanksgiving was originally just a time for folks in New England to get together, eat good food, and watch football, and which wasn’t Christmas (because they were Christian but not the kind of Christian that fucked with Christmas)

and it only became strongly associated with colonialism as part of the late-ninteenth and twentieth century nationalist project, because having a holiday about colonialism made it easier to teach people a nationalist perspective on it, especially children and immigrants who lacked a lot of the historical context for what was going on

and thus was invented the thanksgiving pageant thru which its primary colonial myths were perpetuated

@Lady also, to be clear, i was implicitly suggesting an abnormal discord movie day

@Lady i’m just lucky in this regard because i’m too fussy about what chocolate i’m willing to eat

Mutual Aid Request!

My girlfriend is a struggling artisan in BC working multiple part time jobs but struggling to make ends meet due to rising costs, insufficient wages, long covid, and disordered sleep. A postal strike is also affecting many small businesses like hers at this time of year, which they normally rely on to get them through the next few months. Anything to help keep her fed and housed so she can keep working and get through this slump would be so greatly appreciated.

Linked below are my PayPal and CashApp; asking for mutual aid was my idea, and we decided it would be easier for me to be a go-between to keep her bookkeeping as tidy as possible.

CashApp: $witchfynder

#Aid #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.