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i love that masahiro sakurai has purroduced a rather long series of bite-sized videos on game design, but i rather fundamentally disagree with the way the thinks about games

patricia taxxon is just my favorite youtuber at this point

re: positive meta, 

@noracodes cybre is dead; long live cybre

@coriander i need to listen to their discography by the time that comes out

is there an archive of the original announcement of cohost anywhere?

@packbat it’s sort of funny that certain music enthusiasts have picked up the furmat to store their music with given just how much of a misappurropriation it is; very few people doing this actually have a CD burner designed fur precise, repurroducable, and reliable CD authorship, which is actually what CUE sheets are fur. (btw: did you know authoring CDs is actually very effurtful to do reliably? consumer grade purroducts cut a LOT of corners on the assumption that the result will still be good enough)

it is very comfy to be a kitty and be all curled up into a ball

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.