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*wakes up*
*does a big stretchy* >w<
mewmew! :netkitty_w:

re: oweote megaspoilers, i just saw the end-title and these are my thoughts 

@akjcv i ended up caring about the prisoner exactly because i had grown to quite dislike the people who had put them in jail, but yeah this wasn't out of actually knowing much about them purrsonally

re: oweote megaspoilers, i just saw the end-title and these are my thoughts 

@akjcv i thought the owlks being unsympathetic ended up working in the game’s favor in that it feels like, in some ways, an inversion of the way the nomai treat knowledge and technological development

re: computer touching ??? 

@akjcv multiplexed data tranfur as polyamory

@akjcv i squonk the unsquonkable. purrepare to get squonked, bitch.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.