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oh are we attributing and analysing international events as though they were solely orchestrated by the leaders of the united states and maybe, at best, a couple of specially designated enemies there·of in their eternal struggle for the fate of the universe again

aspiring to bourgeois levels of luxury isn’t very “end the american empire” of you

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look leftists, when you say “in a world where i am no longer plagued by capitalism, i would ⸺”, we all know that you are just spraypainting the american dream with a mildly progressive patina. you’re not selling revolution to anyone here

as a kid i didn’t think Bartimaeus and Harry Potter had much to do with each other but as an adult i recognize that “actually, the magic of British exceptionalism is a farce upheld by colonialism and slavery” is definitely responding to Something

i don’t love depending on G·N·U Make but there simply isn’t another option for what i’m trying to do

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i have multiple times done something like $(and $(VAR), -e $(VAR)) when actually what you need is $(and $(VAR),$(space)-e $(VAR))

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for the record, G·N·U Make strips white·space from each argument to $(and …) and $(or …) before expanding, not just the first one, which is confusing and definitely not documented

my girlfriend is up and about Doing Things and i am not here for it

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programmer challenge: write a script which, when given a file in the current git repository, outputs the average age of the lines in the file

bonus challenge: implement a toggle to include or exclude blank lines

you ever shout “fuck off asshole” to ä conservative old white dude while showing him your bare butthole between two middle fingers and then teleport into a patch of shade a few yards away

well i did some good prrgrrmmng today but i don’t know that i will have a functioning build system by supper tomorrow

« When the morning sun hit an icicle, it wished not to melt, and thus Vanillite was born. At night, it buries itself in snow to sleep. »

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calendar updates: it is the ides of carnivaltide

animals are kind of like people, except for the ways in which they are not like people. they are like people otherwise

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.