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“merry christmas! here’s some money; we have lots”

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banks have lots of money they could probably just give you some if they wanted

“culture is sacrosanct but material culture is a hindrance best automated away”

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kind of guy who doesn’t want A·I to replace human creative endeavours but is fine with A·I that generates code

i, too, would shout to a crowd of reporters “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people”

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« As the suspect was led into the courthouse for his hearing, he shouted to reporters crowded outside, saying, “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people.” It wasn’t clear in the moment what he was referring to, as deputies struggled to push him inside. » oh, to be a journalist

which will be referenced more times in rap music in 2025?

time to educate the good people of new york about “jury nullification”

my girlfriend claims to be a cat not a dog but sometimes she does little woofs in her sleep 🐶

woke up early and successfully did the thing i woke up early for

how much of your energies are directed at reality? how much at spectacle?

can’t tell if i’m picking up mannerisms from girlfriends mom or if i’ve just always been kind of like this

healthcare ceo guy met the ghost of christmas future and was like “i don’t believe in ghosts”

slack if your update doesn’t contain anything then why are you updating

“interweb” is not actually any less reasonable of a word than “internet”

yes credit card i AM buying lots of music on bandcamp NO this is not fraud

*person who has never had a healthy relationship with a family voice* man families are so problematic. fuck families. anyway i want kids

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.