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what is the plural of LEGO? we asked a fan and they asked if we were cops

not having good chinese food nearby to order is so depressing

“Sappho has a very wet oceanic climate” i bet she does

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why have all the trans women in Washington State not taken over Sappho

ive come up with a new theory of gender. this is why judith butler is wrong. gender is NOT a performance, because to call it a performance is to presume that there is a Self, something which PRECEDES gender and then PERFORMS gender. in fact, there is no such Self: we are, each of us, constituted THROUGH and BY gendered relations—relations which precede US; relations which set the stage and context into which we emerge AS selves, as individuals. so in fact it is not that gender is a performance, but that WE, our lives and experiences as individuated beings, are ourselves being performed in no small part BY and THROUGH a system of gender without which we could not begin to conceive of ourselves, much less the world.

i avoid giving money to strikebreaking corporations 365 days out of the year, not just when it is seasonally appropriate

i guess one downside to doing everything with posixy commandline tools and open standards is you give up features like automatic syntax highlighting of code snippets in your blog posts (without you and your computer both doing a bunch of extra work)

terrible logo and something a good designer would have prevented

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people who are impressed by the fedex arrow are bad and wrong

at some point cinema decided its job was to convince you something was real instead of letting you have fun with something which is obviously fake

and like, why

remember when ash of pallet town and go of vermilion city had a rap battle

been kind of stalled on writing my fanfiction because the next section is largely an anime episode novelization and that sounds like a hassle

yes it’s 3AM but look we were looking at LEGO sets for two hours

i think kitty is trying to do a bit but honestly she’s always been like this so i’m not sure what’s changed

in a time when white communities around the world are turning to fascism

make sure yours doesn’t. yeah?

what we’ve been discussing is starting advent with the lighting of the first candle on the fifth sunday before new years, maintaining a twelve day yuletide from the lighting of the fifth candle on the final sunday thru to the second following thursday (twelfth night), and then celebrating kings day on the following day

this is different from the christian kings day but we don't care about epiphany we just want the tasty cake

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.