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u·s elections; polling 

what does this even mean

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u·s elections; polling 

the polls: we have absolutely no way of predicting who will win the upcoming presidential election

everybody: here’s why you shouldn’t trust the polls!!

halloween lesbians get it a lot easier; everybody believes in death

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i’d probably be a christmas lesbian if i believed in christ but uh

this isn’t a poll because i don’t care what the answer is

i have my ways and that’s good enough for me

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do you have to climb on top of your girlfriend and strip out of your daytime clothes before you can put on pyjamas or is there another way?

maybe someday washington can be redeemed now that it is no longer owned by daniel snyder but it is still way too fucking soon for that

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today i had to explain to my girlfriend that even though the eagles and the giants might have a fierce rivalry, as someone living philadelphia-adjacent i’d still rather the giants win than either of the other two teams in the division

and same goes for anyone who isn’t a racist

hey quick question as i don’t follow baseball; why do the Yankees have fans?

(this is because replacing flawed systems requires working with and talking to people, which is incompatible with the image of programmer-as-egoistic-man that the modern discipline is founded upon)

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software people love to be like “i wonder how much of a computer i could build from scratch” and then direct approximately 0% of that competency into replacing the flawed systems we all use everyday

for a girl who supposedly listens to a lot of music i’ve never seen æsc make a playlist

yes we do live in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and yes that means elections are necessarily elections of the most favourable enemy

but it’s a mistake to characterize this fact of history as a feature which is essential to democracy

it is only a feature essential to our present democracy

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voting is only about “choosing your opponent” because we live in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

the 00’s were all about people releasing good songs and other people then taking that and using it as a sample in a much worse song

Legends: Z‐A was actually delayed just so that everybody on the Pokémon team could actually finish Les Mis

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somebody explain to me French Politics in 1840–1870 so that i can write pokémon fanfiction

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he could be the pokémon professor i’m just saying

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do you think Pokémon Legends: Z‐A will feature a cameo by Karl Marx

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.