yes we do live in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and yes that means elections are necessarily elections of the most favourable enemy
but it’s a mistake to characterize this fact of history as a feature which is essential to democracy
it is only a feature essential to our present democracy
Legends: Z‐A was actually delayed just so that everybody on the Pokémon team could actually finish Les Mis
somebody explain to me French Politics in 1840–1870 so that i can write pokémon fanfiction
You’re looking for hope. I don’t know how. Watching you fortify yourself, garner your books, and pack your bags for the #Resistance. Tell me it couldn’t be THAT bad. Tell me you’ll call my mom and dad.
If anything happens when we’re out there, I’ll be vigilant.
The good thing in all of this is earning your calluses. Getting resilient; studying consequence. I’ve been something of a scholar these days—I’ve been trying (but I get it wrong). I’ve been something of a revelation—I just don’t know what I want. And I’ve been something of a loser these days—I’ve been nothing like my father these days—I’ve been something of a liar these days. “I am okay. I am okay.”
The good thing in all of this is being irrelevant. Getting your tires checked and going back out again.
The good thing in all of this is having a friend in it. Come tell me how it is—and how it’s been.
Circuses or Ghost Towns: There’s no inbetweens to know now. But I have always occupied the middle, where it’s cool to hide.
If Silence is an Issue: I don’t have a good defence for overthinking everything I’ve ever (almost) said.
I think I might need Diagnoses: I know that’s all manmade terms, but I’ve been looking for an act of God, and I keep getting hurt.
The good thing in all of this is staying anonymous. We’re looking for monoliths—“Hey, there’s nothing in Aisle 6.” I’ve been something of an addict these days, but still an optimist, saying “this has got to be the worst it’s gonna get.”
“Sitting By The River With The Sky In Her Eyes”: I always feel like a tourist: I wanna know what it’s like? I’ve been staring down the barrel of another life; said “I could’ve been a lawyer; we would have been fine then.”
Walking around with my head down: I’m a “worst case” kid in a plague-pit town. Standing at the stake, saying “I’m cool by myself”. (But, I’m a liar. In the end, I’m gonna need your help.)
And look at you! A killer with a jaw for news! I always feel like a tourist: I only came here for you. I’ve been staring down the barrel of another life—you said I could have been your courage; we could have been fine.
All of the ways that it’s too late now! Wearing your clothes as the clouds come down; calling my friends (said “The witch is dead!”); cut thru the park; try to catch my breath.
(Dysphoria melts me when I get home. Try to loosen my shoes—she said “leave it alone”. But I tighten her words around my wrists like I’ve only been hers—and we could have been fine.)
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.