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« Ontologies which previously required minutes or hours to classify can often by classified in seconds by HermiT, and HermiT is the first reasoner able to classify a number of ontologies which had previously proven too complex for any available system to handle. » well i guess we¦re quickly trucking into that second category huh

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« Ontologies processed in 265036 ms by HermiT » 😬

i’m not saying they aren’t effective examples but i do take small amounts of psychic damage every time i read the Owl 2 specification

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« The last axiom in the ontology is necessary to derive the mentioned conclusion; without it, the open-world semantics of OWL 2 would allow for situations where a:Quagmire is the same as a:Peter, a:Lois, a:Stewie, a:Meg, a:Chris, or a:Brian. » heaven forbid

why is an animated gif an image?

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foiled also by the problem of decidability but that’s nothing new

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servo, it’s cute that you added tabs to your browser but you still can’t right‐click

this website is such hacky shit but you know what! i don’t care!!

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foiled by macOS case‐insensitivity yet again

everyone calls it the “small web” or “indie web” or whatever because anarchists are terrible at branding

i didn’t spend ALL night dreaming about rdf vocabularies because i spent at least some of it dreaming about a silly cdrama

in fairness it does state, more precisely, just “typically intellectual property”, but the preceding words are “information thing of value”, and, you know, intellectual property is how value is produced for information things, so

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i’m sorry man but if your vocabulary depends on the concept of property, and not just property but property in its most problematic and troubled form, especially when it comes to the Web, you know, that thing you invented

that’s no good my man

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me: well this vocabulary is mostly not useful in view of later work, but it has some unique terms, and there’s probably no harm in it

me, realizing that timbl defined a “Work” as “a piece of intellectual property”:

is an animated gif an image?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.