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gotta stop treating “after i joined Mastodon” as a reference marker for “recent”

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a lot has happened in my life and a quarter of it happened while i had an account on this social network

there’s a lot you CAN say about games but like. why would you. it has ceased to be relevant

*slowly turns towards the nearest movie theatre*

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remember when games were worth criticizing?! it was like a five year window you probably missed it

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the music WAS better when i was a kid! the shows were more creative! the movies were better written, shot and directed! this is extremely distressing to me!

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when i was a kid i cared passionately about staying up on what was cool and new in media but i did not anticipate that in a decade media would collectively have gone to shit

blue scholars already wrote the best rap song about fucking over a decade ago, other rappers need to stop trying with this one

it’s the best you can do as far as supporting “easy”, “low effort” pagination but the drawbacks are still pretty significant and doing the harder more cumbersome thing just seems a lot more preferable to me right now

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sed 's/'"'"'/'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'/g;s/^/'"'"'/;s/$/'"'"'/'

i also made my make·file work in dash (probably; we haven’t exercised ALL of its options yet), which is less embarrassing

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apparently there’s a bug in my TSV parser

anyway i’d really rather be writing fanfiction and contributing to the culture rather than dealing with this

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my first thought in hearing about them calling cops on student protestors was, of course, the UC Davis pepperspray incident during the Occupy protests in 2011 <>

but my second thought, upon hearing that those arrested were to be suspended, was for all those people colleges are perfectly happy to keep having around

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y’all remember when they were all really worried about “ruining young boys’ lives” by suspending them from college or throwing them in prison

because i remember


anyway just thinking about all the little conflations between bourgeois lifestyle and professionalism

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.