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i also made my make·file work in dash (probably; we haven’t exercised ALL of its options yet), which is less embarrassing

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apparently there’s a bug in my TSV parser

anyway i’d really rather be writing fanfiction and contributing to the culture rather than dealing with this

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my first thought in hearing about them calling cops on student protestors was, of course, the UC Davis pepperspray incident during the Occupy protests in 2011 <>

but my second thought, upon hearing that those arrested were to be suspended, was for all those people colleges are perfectly happy to keep having around

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y’all remember when they were all really worried about “ruining young boys’ lives” by suspending them from college or throwing them in prison

because i remember


anyway just thinking about all the little conflations between bourgeois lifestyle and professionalism

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talking at a work meeting and guy mowing the lawn outside my apartment window like “that’s right bitch, i ain’t no landowner, now it’s everybody’s problem”

also begging fanfic writers to read every sentence and go “is that right?? or did the LLM in my brain just conjure that?”

there are cases in english where italics ARE necessary or at least beneficial (case in point) but it is not in describing how CUTE somebody was

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if you are an author, please, i beg of you, just take like, a year off from italics, and only add them back in once you’re comfortable writing like that

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i think they should ban italics on fanfiction sites

they’ve clearly picked what parts of their craft they want to hone and spent many years doing it, having chosen the ones which are most offensive to me personally

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this author is very good at writing sentences i hate

scene: literally a gay wedding

@aescling: hahahaha “take me to church” lol

paris is burning 

the whole deal with Venus Xtravaganza definitely hits harder having been on the fediverse in 2017

modern american chivalry (stopping for pedestrians at crosswalks)

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.