#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№5 – “Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture (a link to a picture will be fine!) or description of something that is or represents:”
§01. “Something your favorite character would like”
Do I have a favourite character? I don’t really participate in character‐driven fandom.
(Actually, most of my favourite characters are probably fandom O·C’s.)
The answer is probably tea, regardless.
§02. “Something that makes you laugh”
§03. “A fandom place you would like to visit”
There are very few fictional settings I would prefer over our real‐life one, but the setting of ‘Questionable Content’ probably ranks up there.
§04. “A fandom creator (pro or not) you'd like to meet”
I first learned about a number of comix artists in like 2014–2016 because they would post fanart on twitter or tumblr. Now I have their art on my walls or comix on my shelves! They all seem like cool people and I’d be happy to meet any of them in person.
§05. “Something you find comforting”
We have lots of quilts that my mom made :) .
§06. “Something from a favorite TV series or movie from your childhood”
I have so much pokémon‐branded stuff, altho if anything I am ⁜more⁜ of a fan now than I was as a kid.
§07. “A piece of clothing you love”
Shirts that I stole (were given) from my girlfriend.
§08. “A book or song with a color in the title”
<https://janicekwan.bandcamp.com/track/azure-blue>="“Azure Blue” by Janice Kwan."
§09. “Something only someone in your fandom would understand”
<https://jellyfish-link.tumblr.com/post/651601268886880256/a-true-lesbian-classic>="I’ll just leave this here."
Permalink: <https://status.ladys.computer/urn:uuid:018d04a3-ad70-79a4-baa5-12a6b18f230c>
i don’t know what tech c·e·o’s are thinking. i don’t care either. why are u telling me
« In the last year and a half, we’ve been focused on making a pretty dramatic shift at Mozilla — to make it about not just more than the browser but also more than our kind of activist personality and build out a kind of portfolio » lmao they really said that huh
if you have written a parser for yaml 1.2 please reply and tell me if it is easier or harder than x·m·l
#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№4 – “IceBreaker Challenge! Tell us about yourself.”
I’m Lady; in fannish spaces I go by a couple of names, predominantly :—
• J’Li, jellyfish_link: Most of my older fannish writing is under this name. It’s technically a pun on Marrus orthocanna, a species of pelagic siphonophore, which is to say a “jellyfish” made up of linked organisms. But it’s also a reference to Metriods and The Legend of Zelda.
• Autumn Leaf, Hojarasca, 红叶 Hongye: I use these aliases when I’m writing Pokémon fanfiction, and sometimes in other fannish spaces as well. They all ultimately derive from the default name for a girl player character in Pokémon FireRed Version (“Leaf”).
As the above description implies, I spend a lot of time in Nintendo fandoms. My first attempt at writing fanfic was in middle school with ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ (dating myself here), and I’ve generally thought way too much about Zelda as a franchise. Lately however I haven’t done much which is fannish in an obvious and direct sense, because I’ve been spending all of my time working on technical/infrastructural things re: hosting fannish materials on the internet. I’m a strong believer in fannish decentralization and don’t like the impact that A·O·3 and social media have had on fandom. Professionally, I work in library technology, and I think there are a lot of tools and lessons from that space which fandom could adopt if people were willing to take the problems of digital fannish curation seriously.
Permalink: <https://status.ladys.computer/urn:uuid:018cec94-25aa-7ceb-8a1d-f658ad72a95f>
funny relationship story
before we moved in together my partner and i had a conversation where we basically both said “i don’t know how you manage to do so much all the time” and then basically both responded “what do you mean i am like, barely functional” and the thing is we were basically both right
#SnowflakeChallenge update: Snowflake Challenge 2024№3 – “Create a wish list of fandom things to receive.”
• Playlists of good songs from the 2000s. This isn’t obviously fannish at face value, but it would really help me in making fannish playlists keyed to that era to know about more artists beyond just the radio hits.
• Highly‐technicial fanworks. I want fanworks (with fictional authorship!) that read like an R·F·C from the Internet Engineering Task Force establishing the technical underpinnings of a new networked technology, or like an ethnography from a religious studies professor attempting to unwind how colonialism has impacted traditional practices and rituals, or like the doctoral thesis of a linguist attempting to capture a critically‐endangered language before it forever disappears. Do these exist? If you know of any, send me some!
Permalink: <https://status.ladys.computer/urn:uuid:018ce55b-1ad7-71d9-8c12-6c16fe992804>
weird fandom take, ready player one et cetera
r·p is like the lowest tech thing imaginable you can just do it you don’t need to buy somebody else’s vision in v·r
A·D·S Word of the Year 2023
i have bad news for y’all
non‐gregorian calendar
i made a little widget
re: Status update: New build system for www.ladys.computer
reminder that you can in fact clone any repository on my gitweb and poke around with it on your own computer
Status update: New build system for www.ladys.computer
I’ve just switched over to using <https://git.ladys.computer/Shushe>=" 书社" to build my main site, which formerly was handcoded. At present, this hasn’t offered me much aside from the chance to fix a few bugs, altho it has made including images as data u·r·i’s a bit easier. However, i’m planning on adding some more dataful areas to the site which would have been very cumbersome to manage manually. More on those once i finish developing them.
The process of setting it up was easy; it is designed to work well with git submodules and be easily callable from within another make·file. Check the `build´ target of <https://git.ladys.computer/WWW/blob/86942bda88e834ee9fd5129483d38be15fe5950f:/GNUmakefile>="the `GNUmakefile´ for the site" to see what little it entails.
Permalink: <https://status.ladys.computer/urn:uuid:018cdd6e-9aec-76ac-87ab-c66c46158998>
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.