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(joke) re: .bbc 

“.bbc”? sounds like a bitcoin scam, i’m blocking it

can’t believe this is the easiest way to resolve a QName in XSLT 1.0 

<variable name="dcmitype">
<for-each select="rdf:type/@rdf:resource">
<variable name="datatypeelt">
<element name="{.}"/>
<if test="namespace-uri(exsl:node-set($datatypeelt)//*[1])=''">
<value-of select="local-name(exsl:node-set($datatypeelt)//*[1])"/>
<when test="contains($dcmitype, ',')">
<value-of select="substring-before($dcmitype, ',')"/>

pokémon game idea 

you befriend a dragon and feed it sandwiches

zelda t·o·t·k 

“okay, the way the WRITERS intended” there weren’t any writers

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zelda t·o·t·k 

“for my first playthrough i just want to experience the game the way the developers intended” i have news for you about the developers and their intentions

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zelda t·o·t·k 

“i don’t want to sequence-break this game which was specifically designed not to have a sequence to break”

marxism; historical antisemitism 

bruno bauer: jews are incapable of having human rights

karl marx: i will use this fool to launch into an eviscerating critique of the liberal states of north america and revolutionary france and their failure to live up to their radical potential

you: okay but like can i just read that bit without all the antisemitism

me: i got u

new blogpost: “Running a Wiki with a Server and Git”

mutuals: if you want editor access to my wiki, just send me your SSH public key lmao

re: unicode proposals 

[176-C31] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+A7DA LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA, U+A7DB LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA, and U+A7DC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE, as given in L2/23-191. (Reference: Section 2a of L2/23-164)

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marxism; historical antisemitism 

bruno bauer: jews are incapable of having human rights

karl marx: i will use this fool to launch into an eviscerating critique of the liberal states of north america and revolutionary france and their failure to live up to their radical potential

you: okay but like can i just read that bit without all the antisemitism

me: i got u


bane meth of the disen are a separated from alien 0 ., form , вал 35 0 одовніс пал. поолераноя, не Ссово тер ана коа

my wiki 

don’t worry the page of karl marx quotes is coming

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my wiki 

other people are already making good and interesting changes whereas i just keep making boring edits to Meta:Editing over and over as i keep adding to and refining the features 😩


“guy does action stuff but is funny sometimes” movies were a lot better when they weren’t being made by marvel

end o·t·w racism 

remember when they organized to get large numbers of fans to donate to a racist organization so that they could vote in an uncontested election

organizing meta 

it’s better to laugh about conflict and affirm solidarity in the face of it than pretend it doesn’t exist, imo

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organizing meta 

:blobmeow_thinking: intergenerational conflicts are fake

:blobmeow_coolthinking: intergenerational conflicts are a great opportunity to practice skills needed for other kinds of cross-cultural and pan-community organizing

end o·t·w racism 

« We have learned that an OTW volunteer is currently being retaliated against by the leadership within the OTW for speaking out against the racism they have experienced. We (Fandom Against Racism) support whatever measures are necessary for the OTW to fulfill their pledge to make the org and their projects a more inclusive and less racist space. » god can you get any more euphemistic. just call for Alex’s resignation like everybody else

Several efforts
have sought to bring experts to

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.