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re: Wikipedia Haiku 

i legitimately cannot tell who is plagarizing whom here like Achouri has the earlier citation by several years and has this story published in at least two contexts but Skye Daphne doesn’t SEEM fake and has the backstory that the story was written by her and her two besties in 5th grade and her profile HAS A PHOTO WITH COMMENTS FROM THE BESTIES

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re: Wikipedia Haiku 

“Never let other people bring you down let Jesus be the one who brings you down, because he knows what he is doing”
― Skye Daphne

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re: Wikipedia Haiku 

Achouri F.B., published in ‘Save the Realm of Takfa’ on, 2008, p. 87 :—

« "Sword, parry!" Mirza cried.

The sword danced faster than lightning, all around the ship, knocking down all the arrows as fast as they came.

So many arrows were knocked aside into the water that they made a great heap floating right behind the ship. The Garda's ship ploughed into this and scraped to a halt with big scratches in its paint.

Now the Garda was furious. "If I want this done right," she muttered, "I guess I'll have to take things into my own hands."

Using powerful evil words, this time she cast a spell on her own two hands. Her wrists grew longer and longer, her fingers grew colder and harder. At last her hands had become frightful silver grappling hooks on long white ropes. »

ACHOURI Fethi, request for creation of a page on Wikipedia with the title “Princess Maya by Achouri fethi”, 2008-08-21 :—

«  "Sword, parry!" Maya cried. The sword danced faster than lightning, all around the ship, knocking down all the arrows as fast as they came. So many arrows were knocked aside into the water that they made a great heap floating right behind the ship. The Queen's ship plowed into this and scraped to a halt with big scratches in its paint. Now the Queen was furious. "If I want this done right," she muttered, "I guess I'll have to take things into my own hands." Using powerful evil words, this time she cast a spell on her own two hands. Her wrists grew longer and longer, her fingers grew colder and harder. At last her hands had become frightful silver grappling hooks on long white ropes. »

Skye Daphne, published in “The Witch who was a princess” on Goodreads, May 11, 2012 :—

« "Sword, parry!" Rosella cried.

The sword danced faster than lightning, all around the ship, knocking down all the arrows as fast as they came.

So many arrows were knocked aside into the water that they made a great heap floating right behind the ship. The Queen's ship plowed into this and scraped to a halt with big scratches in its paint.

Now the Queen was furious. "If I want this done right," she muttered, "I guess I'll have to take things into my own hands."

Using powerful evil words, this time she cast a spell on her own two hands. Her wrists grew longer and longer, her fingers grew colder and harder. At last her hands had become frightful silver grappling hooks on long white ropes. »

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re: Wikipedia Haiku 

…wait was this written by ACHOURI Fethi or Skye Daphne???

Her wrists grew longer
and longer, her fingers grew
colder and harder

re: which ability would you rather have in a zelda game? 

i do not care about shield surfing i care about breaking this bourgeois lady’s fancy dinnerware

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which ability would you rather have in a zelda game? 

• can jump up and down in place instead of just jumping off ledges or directionally when targeting

• can roll into trees and walls to knock stuff off

life is built on death 

actually the fact that you can dissolve lots of shit in water is kind of horrifying

zelda spoilers 

also if you are up on the lore the Zonai associate dragons with courage which just lends credence to my belief that the Zelda in botw/totk resonates more strongly with that piece of the triforce

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zelda spoilers(?) 

honestly it's about time zelda got a fursona link has several

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zelda spoilers 

i thought she was giving off dysphoric vibes in botw because she wanted to be a boy but i suppose actually what she wanted was to be a dragon

thinking about those lesbians who communicated when organizing their media distribution platform on opposite sides of the country by mailing cassette tapes to each other 

like c’mon y’all, this is way easier now, why don’t we have more non-location-based solidarity

curious about tech networking spaces which :— 

• are on the internet

• are politically conscious and active

• are more-or-less run by their members

• do not exist at the whim of some external organization

• are not limited to a single programming style or culture (incl. programming language)

do these exist? why haven't i heard about them?

a bad testimonial for a bad app which doesn't exist anymore 

thinking again about this man


you should write a blogpost

i listened to punk music and 

complained to my partner for eons about the lack of punk developers


« think a mix between the styles of Zootopia and Beastars, so the animals can have boobs »

apple music 

“this fucking lady always scrolls to the bottom of the new releases list and listens to the weird crap that we shove there”

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apple music 

is maybe starting to peg me as a D·I·Y punk

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