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the people who ran it also hosted a webring basically of people who used the TLD, but the webring was hosted on the blockchain so it was incredibly sus

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i had a dream that there was a womenwhowrite TLD

humans do not understand pokémon gender and they should be humble about this fact

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i get that pokémon sometimes refer to other pokémon with pronouns other than it/its, but when humans do it it’s weird

my girlfriend came home and made me get out of bed instead of snuggling me :(

so much for the tolerant left
time for the militant left

please add these unicode characters to your font, no i’m not some kind of weirdo, i’m just really into colonial mayanist orthography

coward unicode encode a casing pair for @ you fools


Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

i think i will give this one a 5/10; i don’t think it deserves a passing grade but it WAS better than i expected

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

the first blowjob was the usual boring “this is actually just foreplay” shit but!! surprise!! there was a second blowjob

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

« The sensation of her warm tongue showering him with affection » is it a shower or more of… like… a slather

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

props for using the phrase “sensitive nub” for the head of a penis?? big negative however for using the phrase “illicit act” to describe going down on it

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

this fic is kind of unfortunately much better written than the last one, considering it has a much worse premise

we’ll see how the sex scenes go tho

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

it’s tagged “creampie” so we already know it’s going to be bad

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Zelda gives Link a blowjob (28) 

this one is also a sequel to some·thing but I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT; I’M ONLY HERE FOR ONE THING

Zelda gives Link a blowjob (27) 

there is a sequel to this fic but I’M SURE NOT READING IT

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.