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here to report that 2024 was also a banger year for music

if your posts are indistinguishable from that of a CIA plant trying to sow controversy and foil collective action, maybe consider making different posts

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if you go out to do something dangerous and legally fraught, i sure hope you don’t implicate comrades, and i sure hope they still turn out for you when the time is right

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luigi didn’t lone wolf it because he thought he was a hero, he lone wolfed it specifically so he wouldn’t implicate comrades. there’s a difference

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“C·E·O murder isn’t accessible” no fucking shit holmes; that’s why we build alliances

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solidarity doesn’t mean everybody does the same thing

I don’t want your touch very much, very often, but when I do, it gets bad.

I don’t jump for love very much, very often; I was good at staying sad.

But when we kissed in the kitchen like we’d meet again, and I thought you were perfect, my god had a plan. Sometimes I don’t deserve it—I couldn’t have been a worthy opponent—but you could’ve said that.

Well, listen. I’m fumbling. I wanted to fight, but I have got this feeling, hollow and sinking, like you’re gonna win.

Is that what you’re thinking?

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Say something please: You’re making me nervous.

We’re watching the gulls on your daily excursion and you can’t believe the seawall erosion.

We both know you mean that we’re not important.

I guess you’re correct, and I am always reminded of it. I have tried to contest, but I am too small for the argument.

They built an ark in the state of Kentucky: You think it’s funny, the effort they’ve made to include the rocks and the dinosaur bones.

Oh, the things we will buy to put off the fear of dying.

I guess she’s obsessed with getting enough antioxidants. Get her off, get her dressed, and give her a world she can marvel in.

We’re born blue; I got used to it until you came to keep me alive. I don’t have a choice but to leave the door cracked open when you are inside.

And I’m sorry for shaking your shoulders when you said, in the car, “What’s the point of it all?”, when I don’t have it in me to conjure divinity. Breathe for me; for me, try.

You’re alright.

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When I first saw her, she looked like me: Bitter, depleted, crimson. I cried in the gift shop: How much does it cost? If I did all this for forgiveness, and it isn’t what I want.

I wanna be free, and I wanna be ugly.
I wanna be mean, and I wanna be ugly.
Don’t wanna be seen, wanna be believed in. (Believed.)

Make her an emblem; teach her a lesson. Make her revered, then make her feel fear of the hero.

Too drunk to drive: Couldn’t even look her in the eye.

When the world is at your will, will you think about her still? When you’ve taken it from her, and we’re taken for your word?

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Good to be back where I’m nothing to no one: Men shaking hands at the station. Scoured the country for a reason I should try. I met a girl on borrowed time; read her letter, crying at the port in Dublin, and the snow was falling.

Honest, I was gonna call it.

But all I know is to get up, holding on, with a mouth full of blood.

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I tried to be the place you run to, ’cause I loved you—your Calamity became me; you thought nothing was worth saving. But I was fighting for the last air left inside the car, when you said that loving me is hard. Not just “how it is”, or “who we are”: No, I was hard. (Was I?)

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Sell the dream back to me, like you thought of it first. Like you live for the words. Mr “Tell Me How To Feel”—came all this way to miss the meal. Your promises were made to break; your parables were my mistakes. All this “It was only you”: Where were you when I needed proof? Girls are at the gate, sir. What’s it gonna take?

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they could never make Mario in 2024 today’s gamers simply can’t imagine embodying a short italian-american plumber

the concept of the everyman did way more damage to American storytelling than the three-act structure

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babies on the internet always be like “anime is better because of non-western story structure! google kishōtenketsu!” but no. anime is better because the protagonists all have weird fucking quirks

it’s so nice when your girlfriend rolls over and snuggles you

when i was a kid they used to say “the press is the fourth branch of government” but i didn’t understand at the time what they meant

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it’s true luigi came from an elite background and worked in a privileged industry *stares at journalist* so what’s your excuse?

realizing i don’t actually know what the drainage is like around our apartment because IT HASN’T RAINED SINCE WE MOVED (it is raining now)

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.