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I tried to be the place you run to, ’cause I loved you—your Calamity became me; you thought nothing was worth saving. But I was fighting for the last air left inside the car, when you said that loving me is hard. Not just “how it is”, or “who we are”: No, I was hard. (Was I?)

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Sell the dream back to me, like you thought of it first. Like you live for the words. Mr “Tell Me How To Feel”—came all this way to miss the meal. Your promises were made to break; your parables were my mistakes. All this “It was only you”: Where were you when I needed proof? Girls are at the gate, sir. What’s it gonna take?

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they could never make Mario in 2024 today’s gamers simply can’t imagine embodying a short italian-american plumber

the concept of the everyman did way more damage to American storytelling than the three-act structure

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babies on the internet always be like “anime is better because of non-western story structure! google kishōtenketsu!” but no. anime is better because the protagonists all have weird fucking quirks

it’s so nice when your girlfriend rolls over and snuggles you

when i was a kid they used to say “the press is the fourth branch of government” but i didn’t understand at the time what they meant

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it’s true luigi came from an elite background and worked in a privileged industry *stares at journalist* so what’s your excuse?

realizing i don’t actually know what the drainage is like around our apartment because IT HASN’T RAINED SINCE WE MOVED (it is raining now)

“merry christmas! here’s some money; we have lots”

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banks have lots of money they could probably just give you some if they wanted

“culture is sacrosanct but material culture is a hindrance best automated away”

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kind of guy who doesn’t want A·I to replace human creative endeavours but is fine with A·I that generates code

i, too, would shout to a crowd of reporters “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people”

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« As the suspect was led into the courthouse for his hearing, he shouted to reporters crowded outside, saying, “That’s completely out of touch, and an insult to the intelligence of the American people.” It wasn’t clear in the moment what he was referring to, as deputies struggled to push him inside. » oh, to be a journalist

which will be referenced more times in rap music in 2025?

time to educate the good people of new york about “jury nullification”

my girlfriend claims to be a cat not a dog but sometimes she does little woofs in her sleep 🐶

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.