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sword and shield was the closest pokémon fandom got to this but that’s mostly because people loved being horny about gloria

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i want to read stories about the pokémon protagonists where they are NOT self-inserts (never gonna happen)

anyone who talks about their “MC” gets a hard no from me; i don’t write cape comics and even then you have the Avengers

yes this is yet another of the self-inflicted ails of literature

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i should probably talk about writing more, in that one of the things sorely missing from writing as an artform is a nurturing community of practice, but i find the kinds of people who talk about their writing so annoying that the desire not to be associated or conflated with them usually wins out

the story of how me and my girlfriend started dating is we were chatting and then i got all offended like “you will send nudes to random strangers on Lex but not to your good lesbian friend?? 🥺”

channel your limited energy into things which will sustain your social relationships, not into being a billboard that nobody can ever talk to

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“i don’t have much energy these days, so i mostly just boost posts” you utter fool. you have it backwards. if you boost posts then your friends will just talk to the people you boosted, instead of to you

“The pitfalls of values-based moderation” is the name of my K.K. Slider cover band

increasingly convinced that Legends: Arceus is just About the Republic of Ezo

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maybe what this fanfiction needs is a couple of paragraphs of dense history lesson right up front

if i make a pokémon fangame as professional development then does that mean that instead of suing me pokémon has to sue my employer

this is not to suggest Paris ever figured their shit out

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reading the Parisian Prowler like sure the world is bad right now but you know when else the world was bad? Paris, 1850

i wish there were more pokémon games with replay value

you do not have the revolutionary mindset

you will not be defeating capitalism today

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.