i’m not saying i think people are doing literal turn-based pokémon battling but i think moves do have powers and effects and correctly understanding the powers and effects of moves is the key to victory
not telling pikachu to aim its iron tail at the ground
{Nintendo Of America} Is Not {Nintendo} Is Not {The Pokémon Company International} Is Not {The Pokémon Company} Is Not {Game Freak}
people are constantly like “white english speaking fandom is all upset about X!! now game freak will have to do Y!!” and game freak never does Y. the only fandom game freak listens to is corocoro magazine and pixiv
give me a fic about the nameless girl with ponytails in lavender towns pokémon center that’s where the good content is at
i realize it’s a political move but {the willingness to uncritically laud some aspects of stallman’s philosophy in the face of overwhelming evidence that many other parts, in some cases basically the same exact parts, are deeply fucked up} is always a trip
boosting accounts from mastodon.social is fraught so i will just drop the link here
can is labelled “richard stallman”; do not open if you do not want to read about richard stallman
so now i’m leaning towards Oak limiting the pokédex to 150 for the sake of keeping it a round number, and the actual regional dex for Kanto and Johto looking more like the one in HeartGold and SoulSilver, with the possible addition of newer evolutions like Sylveon and Dudunsparce
i would believe that the Indigo League kept the number of usable pokémon small for Reasons, except that the same league is in charge of Johto (and was fine with a list exceeding 250 there) and they clearly had no problems including, you know, Zapdos
either Oak left out some Kanto pokémon to keep the Kanto dex to a round 150, or there are some Kanto pokémon which aren’t considered legitimate for training and battling, or several pokémon were introduced to Kanto over the course of like three years??
i would lean “no”, evidenced by the fact that nobody in Kanto seems to use them (battles against champions notwithstanding), except that there are some “Johto” pokémon, like Slugma, which are native to Kanto but not in Oak’s original pokédex
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“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.