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look mate i’m a millennial, i don’t care about “building more homes”, i care about regulating landlords

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every time kamala harris says the phrase “middle class”, i like the middle class less

macklemore clarifies that when he says “fuck America” he means “fuck the United States of America”, not “fuck North America”, “fuck South America”, or “fuck the land which, by rights, belongs to the sovereign Native American nations”

“Gabriel Teodros, who helped organize the event” still need to listen to Teodros tbh but glad he’s still out there doin shit

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kracken better not fuckin disown macklemore

fucked up that ekans is a dragon but onix isn’t

sure, a Facebook Lite in the early days when Facebook was cool and you mostly used it to hang out with your same-aged friends outside of the gaze of parents and teachers and bosses

but then again, that was the Facebook which killed thousands of personal websites, RSS/Atom, decentralized collaboration, persistence, and the open web

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the number of posts to this effect i have seen have convinced me above anything else that cohost truly was a Facebook Lite

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with cohost shutting down, i am migrating all of my things which never should have been on cohost to my personal website, where they should have been posted in the first place

probably my favourite paragraph in an essay full of amazing paragraphs

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« A thousand things make it impossible to mistake the verdict on queer lives and on women’s lives, as on the lives of those who are poor or not white. The hecatombs of queer youth; a decade squandered in a killing inaction on AIDS; the rapacious seizure from women of our defense against forced childbirth; tens of millions of adults and children excluded from the health care economy; treatment of homeless people as unsanitary refuse to be dealt with by periodic “sweeps”; refusal of condoms in prisons, persecution of needle‐exchange programs; denial and trivialization of histories of racism; merely the pivot of a disavowing pronoun in a newspaper editorial: Such things as these are facts, but at the same time they are piercing or murmring voices in the heads of those of us struggling to marshal “our” resources against illness, dread, and devaluation. They speak to us. They have an amazing clarity. »

eve kosofsky sedgwick, 1993

does T·E·I seriously not have a single word of current guidance on how to classify maiden names

maybe instead of trying to write difficult complicated fanfiction i should just resurrect all of these ideas i had for Nabla

neat, so if i scan a page of text and then print it out, surely that is an image too, right?

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.