there are lots of new features i want to add, some of which are really useful!! but i’m refusing to do so until i have a proper release of what i have
i basically had this feature-complete shortly after i published 0.9.3
don’t let versions 0.9.4 thru 0.9.6 fool you, they are bugfixes rebased backwards in time
and then look at how many commits since 0.9.6
i mean not the part where they travel to the heavens and leave behind a triforce but the other part
is there anything i care about in this? probably not, they wouldn’t tell me if there was, and nobody is going to actually implement it anyway
Posix 2024 was published??
anyway the english haven’t had a homeland since literally the foundation of themselves as an ethnic category; if there is a people less suited to nationalism i don’t know them
i was thinking about mount olympus (greek) and the olympic mountains (named by an englishman, missing the point)
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“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.