the approach is to define a
<书社:link xlink:href="about:shushe?include=things/" xlink:show="embed"/>
which then gets all the files in $(INCLUDEDIR)/things/ and transforms to a
<书社:archive 书社:expanded="">
<html:article 书社:archived-as="index.html"><!--…--></html:article>
not hard to do at all
the thing with the approach of “treat everything as an include, create a conceptual archive containing the entire site, and then extract that into public” is that (1) being able to just xpath into any file at any time is actually extremely powerful, and (2) this does just mean loading your entire site into memory and doing every transformation on it all in one go
one time someone in fandom coders was complaining because their static site generator took like 10 seconds to rebuild their very simple site and i was just like “…what are they doing in there?”
unrelatedly, i AM working on building a unified RDF/OWL ontology for my projects using ⛩️📰 书社 and it IS definitely stress-testing its capacity to handle “actual workloads”
jury is still out whether something complexly interconnected like that or something with Just A Lot Of Data (e·g a dictionary) will bog it down more
but i’m pretty sure it’s still faster than Any Static Site Generator
“just define a conceptual tarball and expand it” feels kludgy but solves like 95% of the situations where multiple files need to be produced from a single source file, more elegantly than anything else i’ve been able to come up with
allllll of the “catalog”-related stuff in that makefile is going to be dropped, tho, and possibly also the subrepo approach in favour of expecting users to stich things together in the downstream repo
basically i am leveraging the “expanded archive” functionality from ⛩📰 书社 to take this down to a single .xslt file, which really makes one wonder whether this needs a whole dedicated git repository, although i probably will keep it for the `make +category` functionality which is convenient and nontrivial if you want to see the hard way of doing things before i finish up work on the easy way of doing things
(this is largely because homebrew is bad not because libxml2 and libxslt have recently cut a release or anything)
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