it is funny because i think @aescling and i have very similar jobs but also, from what i can tell, very different ones
i think this is a good thing, to be clear
i was a metadata nerd before i worked in a library but now i have the social scripts to narrativize it
all we have is their weird software detritus that we’ve picked up and repurposed for our own uses
obviously there WAS a community of weirdos who were willing to put the time in over decades to write specifications and build software just to talk to each other, but like, WHAT kind of a community? how? why?
today¦s cursed G·N·U Make recipe
@for target in $$($(MAKE) -s -f '$<' listout QUIET=1 $(SHUSHEOPTS)); do if test '-d' "$(BUILDDIR)/public/$$target" && test '!' -d "$(DESTDIR)/$$target"; then mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)/$$target"; fi; for file in $$(find "$(BUILDDIR)/public/$$target" -not '(' -name '.*' -or -type d ')'); do printf '%s\n' "$$file" | sed 's:$(BUILDDIR)/public/:/:;s:/_\(.*\)_\(\..*\)$$:/[\1]\2:g;s/¦/:/g;' | xargs printf 'Copying <%s>…\n' >&2; printf '%s\n' "$$file" | sed 's:$(BUILDDIR)/public/:$(DESTDIR)/:;s:/_\(.*\)_\(\..*\)$$:/[\1]\2:g;s/¦/:/g' | xargs cp "$$file"; done; done
i think it’s really cool how the semantic web people did a bunch of work and wrote a bunch of theory about how we can teach computers to reason, and then within a few years mostly agreed that having computers reason is a waste of time, but kept the formal specifications and vocabulary because it actually made things easier for humans to explain things to each other
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.