if you are wondering how bad it can be, you have clearly never read a Semantics specification
literally rewound because i KNOW the lyric is boy and doesn’t sound at all like girl but that is what i heard ok
hey you know that part of the specification which is frankly underspecified and generally requires reading between the lines and carrying forward expectations made in different documents in order to even understand what the appropriate behaviour is? well i depend on that
some OWL processors attach significance to the namespaces which are declared on the root rdf:RDF element so it is important to ensure that all of the namespaces which appear in the ontology are actually declared there
but XSLT 1.0 has very very limited namespace node support, afaict limited only to copying (and even that is a grey area), so you have to do something like this in an earlier stage to create the namespace nodes so that they are there to copy
<template match="Ontology" priority="2">
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"><owl:Ontology</text>
<for-each select="declare">
<text> xmlns</text>
<if test="normalize-space(prefix)!=''">
<value-of select="normalize-space(prefix)"/>
<value-of select="normalize-space(namespace)"/>
<text disable-output-escaping="yes">></text>
<text disable-output-escaping="yes"></owl:Ontology></text>
this is fine
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