there are definitely engineering decisions which are complex and weigh a lot of factors and require technical and theoretical expertise to evaluate, but those tend to be interesting problems
hard problems tend to be more like “i have known what needs to be done for six months but it is so aesthetically repugnant that i can only work on it for a couple of hours a week before my brain loses the ability to focus”
biden press conference
this was also a fine bit but in my head what i heard was “grandma can’t be doing that, she has arthritis”
putting these in a separate repo like this does create an unfortunate situation where i’m going to constantly be having to update a subrepo hash but frankly if i’m going to have to run a manual build every time anyway might as well
there’s a repo now; i’ll use it somewhere eventually; more to come
biden campaign
for the record i don’t have a strong opinion on the “Biden serves until he dies and then Harris takes over” VS “Harris takes over now” debate but if they’re going to do the first one they should stop making such blatantly politically toxic moves
biden campaign
• debate fiasco
• “i’ve been staying up past my bedtime”
• no communication for days
• “i don’t believe that voters are actually worried” / “polls are fake news”
• “i’ll be happy if trump wins so long as i tried my best”
• radio interviews to show he can think on his feet; later comes out that they were scripted by the campaign
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“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.