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the entire POINT is that whether a character has text or emoji presentation should be a quality of higher‐level markup and not encoded at the character level. variation selectors are a begrudging concession for use in limited scenarios where a plaintext distinction may never·the·less be argued for. but that whole conceptual framework doesn’t WORK when your higher‐level markup is just doing “implicitly insert characters into the text stream and then render as plaintext like normal”

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of COURSE this would mean doing additional work, work which may right now be difficult or even impossible, to do font selection to ensure that only fonts which display emoji characters with text presentation are used, and not fonts which display emoji characters with emoji presentation. this is maybe impossible because i am not sure fonts STILL have a good understanding of what “emoji presentation” means nor operating systems fallback mechanisms for properly selecting the correct font for a given presentation. NEVER·THE·LESS

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the current definition of `font-variant-emoji´ simply implicitly adds a V·S·15 or V·S·16 after emoji characters which can take them. this is definitely the least useful possible interpretation of `font-variant-emoji´. if i `font-variant-emoji: text´, i would like NO emoji characters to be given emoji presentation, not “only emoji characters which were not {already encoded codepoints at time of encoding and thus prone to possible awkward re·presentations in pre·existing encoded texts}”

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thinking of redesigning my website; got distracted by people possibly misunderstanding and at least being really awkward about unicode

'Well then,' said Toad, 'a little more sleep will not hurt me.'

i will consider paying money to servo once i can right‐click and copy a link in their browser

« As browsers have become more powerful, plugins have become less useful. » is that why

united states politics 

the new york times editorial board, home of the world’s most lukewarm and tepid takes, is now calling on biden to drop out of the race for the sake of the country, if you were wondering how things are going

(please don’t put “i filed a bug report on GNOME GitLab” on your resume; save that for the interview)

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if i were hiring for a position i would rank someone with an account on GNOME GitLab who only submitted a couple of issues above someone with a GitHub account with 2000 commits and 30 pull requests merged

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i do not care about your github stats

in fact i care substantially more about how many repositories you have contributed to that are NOT on github

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i gotta say, even with microsoft and all, nothing has turned me off of github more than techbros treating it like a linkedin

any day the N·F·L is ordered to pay as much as $14 billion is a good day

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they finished majora’s mask and they made wind waker

they finished spirit tracks and they made a link between worlds

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this is true of all zelda sequels but when they finished breath of the wild aonuma was like “have we done everything we could do with this?” and the answer was “no, we haven’t” but after tears of the kingdom the answer definitely is “yes, we absolutely have”

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people might worry that the next 3d zelda game will just be another clone of breath of the wild but you gotta understand, the zelda team hated working on sequel to breath of the wild

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.