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buddy you don’t even own the thing you wrote; you let everyone make their own copy for free

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programmers will literally think that just because they wrote the operating manual that they own the machine

i wonder if there is anything which can be learned from all this

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similarly, the part where tolkien was bad was the part where he was an englishman riffing on other cultures he had no personal stake in

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the part where tolkien was good was the part where he was an englishman riffing on english culture and its antecedents

i’m invisible today (took a vacation day from work)

until that gets fixed we can probably realistically never have things like webrings again

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if you sharing a link to someone’s personal hobby project has a chance of them going not “hey cool man thanks for the support” but “oh my god i did not ask for this spotlight”, you should just log off and never log back on

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i don’t blame google or social media i blame walking talking context collapse machines making it impossible to say anything ever because someone Famous might see it and share it with a million random people

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i think it is unethical to hijack the part of brains designed to identify tasty berries amidst foliage in order to make website buttons look good to click at

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apparently colour filters work with night shift now in i·o·s so i turned on greyscale and set the night shift to permanently max

“at least the h·t·m·l parser is standardized”

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the way things are going tho we’re more likely to see h·t·m·l adopted as a lingua franca for documents and tools than we are to see an x·m·l parser with wide·spread adoption which is actually good, to say nothing of making reasonable metadata queries of the parsed result

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putting licence information in an easily⹀recognizable and ⹀parsable plaintext comment at or near the beginning of a file is sensible and very unixy, but it still irks me a bit when the file in question is x·m·l

that could be structured metadata!

are the conlangers using LLMs to generate new words for their conlangs now or have we not quite gotten to that point yet

kind of girl who is so enamoured with her girlfriend that she cosplays as her

it is Very Important that i let my partner sleep

but i want cuddles 🥺

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.