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re: low‐level macintosh operating system functionality 

daring fireball in 2019 <> suggests it is still in use at that time, even in Catalyst apps, so i think it is current

i had some confusion because the claimed emacs shortcuts don’t work for me in any application. HOWEVER, i just checked and they do work when i switch the input method to ABC. so, the plot thickens, and maybe the current implementation is input‐method‐dependent???

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low‐level macintosh operating system functionality 

can anyone explain to me :⁠—

1) is the Cocoa Text System described here <> used anywhere in modern macOS?

2) if not, when was it removed?

pokemon; real life 

it¦s weird how frequent potentially world⹀ending events are in recent years in the pokémon games considering you never hear of anything like it happening in the recent past, but on the other hand look outside


Şş is a cute but traditional option for Sh if you really care about having the curved descender

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(if you’d rather steal from cyrillic there’s Ɥɥ for Ch but Ꜭꜭ resembles others in the series a lot better)

(yep! either way it looks like a 4)

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Ʒʒ for Zh is well‐established; Ꜭꜭ for Ch is cute because it can be interpreted as “J with flag”

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Sh is the difficult one here; i’m also fond of £ſ as an option

not too fond of Ʃʃ though; the capital is decidedly non‐latinate

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proposal to replace

Sh sh / Zh zh / Ch ch


Ƨƨ / Ʒʒ / Ꜭꜭ

I'm not sure if this
is the right place to post this,
if not please guide me


kind of girl who moves over to lie in her girlfriend’s spot of warmth after the latter gets up even though she has a perfectly good spot of warmth under herself already

apple platform app development 

i keep wanting there to be simple apps which don’t exist and i probably could make

but on the other hand i extremely do not want to learn how to do that


finally extracted this out into its own repo


remember when i was a meowth named kitty mogs that was a good bit

It is foretold that
a human savior will wield
the Heavenly Sword


.SECONDEXPANSION is generally extremely good and useful but good luck escaping anything ever

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me, sowing:

me, reaping:
make: metadata/file: No such file or directory
make: *** [build/catalogs/file.catalog] Error 1


i’m the kind of girl who fixes and repushes git tags

re: a hamburger 

@Satsuma you missed this amazing moment which happened before you started watching

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.