pokémon meta
the new pokémon games are definitely better for what TPC is leaning into currently, which is competitive play and event-based social dynamics, but there are other ways to ensure people keep playing and talking about your game
you could instead have a game which is really, really replayable, like they used to have
pokémon meta
old pokémon games: you can only use a TM once and many movesets are difficult to obtain and take a lot of care to bring about, so there’s strong incentive to play the game multiple times and experiment with lots of different teams. at the end of the game there are challenges which reward you for putting the time in and raising your mon well
new pokémon games: you can get every pokémon with pretty much any moveset trivially. also there are lots of events you can only really do if you have already beat the game. there is absolutely nothing else to work towards
the a·i takeover of the internet
i for one welcome the days when people no longer believe that computers can be trusted to adequately perform the social tasks of categorizing and making discoverable meaningful information
which of course is where this is all headed, if you consider that the a·i generating noise is always going to be at least as sophisticated as the one trying to filter it
re: lord of the rings
it's nice when a group of humans who are passionate about a thing get together and make a proper art about it
it's unfortunately rare to see on any kind of scale but it's nice
re: lord of the rings
i feel the same way about the animated hobbit feature by rankin-bass but this is more contentious
New blogpost: Programming Resolutions for 2024
New blogpost: Programming Resolutions for 2024
Administrator / Public Relations for GlitchCat. Not actually glitchy, nor a cat. I wrote the rules for this instance.
“Constitutionally incapable of not going hard” — @aescling
“Fedi Cassandra” – @Satsuma
I work for a library but I post about Zelda fanfiction.