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me, joking: i think i can be in bed before 3AM

me, one 8.5 hour phone call later:


honestly it’s pretty impressive that i’ve managed to pull off “weird nerd who builds everything from scratch in Lisp” only in one of the most popular programming languages in the world

I am super excited to announce the launch of a solo podcast project I've been working on!

Introducing The Art of Sysadmin, a podcast where I talk about all things sysadmin from a more human perspective rather than a technical one.

The first episode is now available:

Boosts on this post are requested, thank you!


« “fanfiction,” as a concept, only exists because of intellectual property » 

“it’s impossible to be a fan of something without contemporary international copyright law”

building this rails app in docker-compose 

i can actually hear the fans on my Macbook Pro

long‐distance relationship 

anyway, looking forward to low‐effort spending time together being easier in the future

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long‐distance relationship 

i would also be guilty of going completely silent for hours to play video games except i have a capture card and can stream to them while i play

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long‐distance relationship 

unfair that when my partner plays zelda i can’t just take a nap snuggled up next to them and instead don’t hear from them for hours

furry what 

would you rather be the kind of dog furry who can chew with their mouth closed or the kind of dog furry who can lick their own dick

5½ hour phone sex 

okay actually only the first half‐hour was sex

Hi! 🤲🏻🌿
I'm Zurera, an illustrator and storyteller based in Spain. I like cozy vibes, sunflowers and warm coffees 🌻✨ Thank you for your support!

#art #mastodonart #artist #oc #originalcharcter #disney #zelda

age and social media 

everybody knows that when the old people took over facebook it stopped being cool, but when the old people took over fedi it became way cooler


i guess july is probably “digitize all the things” month then

my name is dog 

i am like wolf but i have evolved to really love belly scritches


the best shitposters are the friends we made along the way

So far your written
material is too long
and complicated

re: new single from RA Scion & Urrks 

god i am so ready for seattle hiphop to make a comeback

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.