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i’m the one who plays all the games but somehow my girlfriend is the gamer gf in our relationship

« Zelda’s jaw drops. An *alpha*? *Link*? She saw him try to eat sand just last week. Well, he kept it down, so she really saw him *successfully* eat sand last week… »

« Obviously, she didn’t see him as a servant, but basically, that’s the kind of relationship they had. »

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« “Earthquakes are natural occurrences,” Link replied soberly. “Even when there’s no villain around, they happen.” »

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« “I want to pick some herbs,” »

« If I’ve noticed a pattern in all this, talking generally about empathy and compassion, or “service”, is a privilege reserved for those who get to chose when to use these tools. »

not to mention the fact that your concept of “justice” is necessarily made problematic by your subjectivity and that your concept of care is, in fact, imposing an agenda

a social justice, a justice which represents the alignment of carer and cared in a social relationship, necessitates an alignment of agenda between them, an alignment which we might term solidarity

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if you (anarchist) have a theory which depends on loving and caring for every other person all the time in order to treat them justly i ain’t doing that

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when they make a take and you’re like “okay but what happens when this theory is applied to somebody i don’t give a shit about”

londoner: oh hey carl my man what are you doing here

karl marx: europe’s haunted

londoner: what?

karl marx: *loading a pistol and getting back on the ship* europe’s haunted

« The limits within which each can act without harming others is determined by law just as the boundary between two fields is marked by a stake. »

this happened in my dream and i just had to capture it

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*walks up to a girl with a ♥️ necklace; points at her chest* “so what’s that? some kind of inverted spade?”

“yeah, because i like having girls plow into me”

After she gives her
opinion, he gives her his
latest manuscript

checking the etiquette guide to see if i am allowed to be communist on this forum

i don't have a problem with the prequels but i do take issue with one of them being called Episode I when obviously a lot of stuff happened before

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.