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« The criticism dealing with this matter is criticism in HAND-TO-HAND combat, and in such combat the point is not whether the opponent is noble, equal, or INTERESTING, the point is to STRIKE him. »

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« In its struggle against these conditions criticism is not a passion of the head but the head of passion. It is not a lancet, it is a weapon. Its object is an ENEMY it wants not to refute but to DESTROY. For the spirit of these conditions has already been refuted. In and for themselves they are objects not WORTHY OF THOUGHT but EXISTENCES as despicable as they are despised. Criticism itself does not even need to be concerned with this matter, for it is already clear about it. Criticism is no longer an END IN ITSELF but simply a MEANS. »

« The state abolishes distinctions of BIRTH, RANK, EDUCATION, and OCCUPATION in its fashion when it declares them to be NON‐POLITICAL distinctions, when it proclaims that every member of the community EQUALLY participates in popular sovereignty without regard to these distinctions, and when it deals with all elements of the actual life of the nation from the standpoint of the state. Nevertheless the state permits private property, education, and occupation to ACT and manifest their PARTICULAR nature as private property, education, and occupation in their OWN ways. Far from overcoming these FACTUAL distinctions, the state exists only by presupposing them; it is aware of itself as a POLITICAL STATE and makes its UNIVERSALITY effective only in opposition to these elements. »

a character who i previously knew nothing about is suddenly potentially quite important to my fic

it doesn't rain often enough for when it rains not to effectively douse the poles in electrolyte solution

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there are dilfs in pokémon too i’m just gay

is it possible to wrangle the mastodon codebase into something it is fun and easy to contribute to? and other unsolved problems of computer science

« Link wasn’t exactly sure *why* this was a special occasion, but he liked the breakfast, so any reason was a good one. »

how is it pronounced

« This Pokémon is popular among the elderly, who say the vibrations of its lumps are great for massages. »

this is a real pokédex entry for a real pokémon; yet nobody has written about it doing sex work yet

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did you know that there is a vibrator pokémon and nobody has written a sexy fic about it yet

we were talking about the Flabébé episode and how it was really about the importance of pollinators

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my girlfriend was like “lesbian pokémon dune would be dope”

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i think it goes really understated how even the very simple things in Pokémon like “Peck is super-effective against Bug-types” still does more exploration into the natural world and ecosystems and interactions between different kinds of life than like 99% of videogames, and maybe even fictional media

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we talked about how the absol episode was like nuclear semiotics

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i've managed to convince my girlfriend to hang out while i watch pokémon

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“the ecology of pokémon is varied” — Gary Oak

nice to see the emphasis on RTL languages this WWDC

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.